IoT and Cloud Computing

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IoT is the about the devices that connected to the internet to performs the processes and service that support our basics needs, economics, health and environment. Hence, cloud computing acts as a front end to access Internet of Things. Cloud computing now is more popular service that comes with more characteristics and advantages. Actually, cloud computing is based on the user performs the computer tasks using services delivered entirely through the Internet. Nowadays, we can see that the Internet of things gives hopes for human life activity. If a worker needs to finish their report to submit to Manager, suddenly she/he runs out of memory space on computer. There is no problem if the computer is connected to the Internet. She/he can use cloud computing service to finish theirs works because the data is controlled by the server. Another example is if your phone had a problem and you need to format your mobile phone. You can use google apps “Picassa “to store your picture to the Internet. So you can load the picture from Internet through those applications anytime


The cloud computing are tightly coupled in the Internet of thing . The growth of the Internet of Thing (IoT) and the rapid development of technologies create a widespread connection of “thing”. This will lead to the production of large amounts of data, which needs to be stores, processed and accessed. Cloud computing as a paradigm for big data storage and analytics. While the Internet of Thing is exciting on its own that the real innovation will come from combining it with cloud computing [6]. The combination of cloud computing and IoT can enable sensing services and powerful processing of sensing data stream. For example, the sensing data to be stored allowed by cloud computing and it used intelligently for smart monitoring and actuation with the smart devices. There are two systems in the cloud that will be used, which are to transform data to insight and drive productive, cost-effective actions from these insights. The cloud effectively serves as the brain to improve decision-making and optimization for Internet-connected interactions through this process . However, when IoT meets cloud, the new challenges arise. There is an urgent need for novel network architectures that seamlessly integrate them. The critical concerns during the integration are QoS and QoE, as well as data security, privacy, and reliability [8]. The virtual infrastructure for utility computing integrating applications, storage devices, monitoring devices, visualization platforms, analytics tools, and client delivery are provided in cloud computing. Cloud computing offers the utility-based model that will enable businesses and users to access applications on demand anytime, anywhere and anyplace.


First characteristics of IoT Cloud Computing are On-Demand Self Service which means it’s there when you need it. Cloud Computing resources is web-based service that can be access by the user or yourself without any helping or permission from other people but need the communication within internet because internet is everything in the world.

The second characteristics of IoT Cloud Computing are Broad Network Access which means a lot of connectivity options. Cloud computing resources can be access through a device that can access network or have internet connection such as tablets, mobile devices and laptops. With the help of IoT, cloud computing can be access with many device that have network access and will make the user easier to access with the devices that they mostly likes. Without helping of IoT, cloud computing can’t be access and not function, that’s why network are important nowadays.

Furthermore, the third characteristics are Resource Pooling which means it can be sharing for those who knows where resources address. Resource pooling will make that people are know the address can access anytime and anywhere as they want. It can make the user become easier to access in what they want and when they have a free time to access. In IoT context, humans could easily assign an IP address to every “thing” on the planet as they want like computing IP address accessing.

Moreover, the fourth characteristics is Rapid Elasticity which means that you get what you need. This cloud computing is freedom to suit with what you need. You can be easily and quickly to edit your software features and to add or remove user inside your cloud computing. This characteristic will empower IoT by providing elastic computing power, storage and networking .

Lastly, the fifth character of the IoT Cloud Computing is Measured Service which means that you get what you pay for. This cloud computing will measure your usage about their service such as storage, processing, bandwidth and active user accounts inside your cloud computing. The meter will increase as how much your usage. Many times you use, high value of money should you pay for it. This system is called as Pay Per Use (PPU). In IoT context refers to the ever-growing network of physical objects that feature an IP address for internet connectivity, and the communication that occurs between these objects and other Internet-enabled devices and systems needs to be pay as we pay to get the internet connection.
Service models

Service delivery in Cloud Computing comprises three different service models, namely Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provides applications to the cloud’s end user that mainly accessed via web portal or service oriented architectures based web service technologies [9]. These services can be seen as ASP (application service provider) on the application layer. Usually, a specific company that use the service would run, maintained and give support so that it can be used in a long term [9]. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) Stack is consists of an environment for developing also provisioning the cloud applications . The main users of this layer are developers that wanting to develop and run a cloud application for a particular purpose. A proprietary language was supported and provided by the platform (a set of important basic service) to ease communication, monitoring, or various billing and other component as well. For example, to ease startup or ensure application’s scalability also flexibility. Limitations regarding the programming languages supported, the programming model, the ability to access resources, and persistency are possible disadvantages .

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) provide the necessary hardware and software upon which a customer can build a customized computing environment . Computing resources, data storage resources and the communications channel were linked together with these essential IT resources which it is to ensure the applications being purvey on the cloud resources thus new service would be applied on the higher layers . Those stack models is what we can says the medium of IoT being used and convey by the users in different method because it is the idea that IoT ecosystem includes any form of technology that can connect to the internet. This include connected cars, wearables, TVs, smartphones, fitness equipment, robots, ATMs, vending machines, and all of the vertical applications, security and professional services, analytics and platforms that come with them . Hence, those stack models main an important role to maintain the relation between the IoT itself.
Deployment models

Cloud computing is consist of four deployment models which is Private cloud, Public cloud, Community cloud and Hybrid cloud. Private cloud has infrastructure that’s provisioned for exclusive use by a single organization comprising multiple consumers such as business units. It may be owned, managed, and operated by the organization, a third party, or some combination of them, and it may exist on or off premises. Public cloud is created for open use by the general use. Public cloud sells services to anyone on the Internet. (E.g. currently Amazon Web Services is the largest public cloud provider). This model is suitable for business requirement where in it is required to manage load spikes, and manage applications which are consumed by many users that would otherwise require large investment in infrastructure from business. Public cloud also helps reduce capital expenditure and bring down operational IT costs. Community cloud is managed and used by a particular group or organizations that have shared interests, such as specific security requirements or a common mission. Hybrid cloud is combination of two or more distinct cloud infrastructures such as private, community, or public that remain unique entities, but are bound together by standardized or proprietary technology that enables data and application portability. Normally, information that’s not critical is outsourced to the public cloud, while business-critical services and data are kept within the control of the organization.

In conclusion, the IoT will dramatically change the way we live our daily lives and what information is stored about us. This cloud computing is free to use anytime and anywhere as long as the computer is connected with the Internet based on the service models which is Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). The cloud is the only technology suitable for filtering, analyzing, storing, and accessing the information in useful ways. The deployment models based on the group, community and purpose.