Please find below mentioned link where you can find PowerShell Script as well as steps for the deployment of AX 2012 Client on ARA.
This Guide will help to deploy ARA with AX 2012 Client if AX Servers deployed with LCS.
If someone have multiple environment like Development, UAT, & Production and want deploy AX Clients for these three environment in single ARA collection.
Please follow the steps to achieve this requirement.
- Prepare the ARA using above mentioned guide.
- Once ARA Deployed on your vNet and able to access your production environment.
- You have three different AX 2012 Deployment on same vNet and domain,
- Export the Client Settings with Dev. And UAT Environments from Configuration Tool and copy the client setting files to Domain Controller or File Servers local drive, – This server should be always on)
- Share folder where you can copied the client settings files with Read-Only Permission to domain users Group.
- Then you can publish AX Client again with Appropriate Name like “AX Client Dev.” Or “AX Client UAT” and set Command-Line Parameter as followed :
- \\AIAASDC01\Config-File\UATCon.axc = UAT Environment
- \\AIAASDC01\Config-File\DevCon.axc = Development Env.
- AIAASDC01 = ServerName, Config-File = Share Folder Name, & axc = File Name of Client Setting.
- Once Published users able to see three ICON for each deployments.
- Users can access the AX2012 based on access they have.
Note: Allow the ability to publish specific Apps to specific Users, this feature is currently not available with ARA.
Already this feature request has been raised with Microsoft also Microsoft confirmed that this feature has been planned to include in next release.
More information: