Start menu Rename For Win 2K, XP, 2K3
Please refer below mentioned Link.
Link :- .
Modifying IE Title bar text
To get rid or remove or change the repeating additional title text in the IE’s title bar, use the following steps:
Click Start and then Run.
Key in regedit in the Run text box.
Navigate to and select the following key in the Registry Editor:
Internet Explorer\Main
Double-click the Window Title icon in the right pane.
If the key doesn’t exist, right-click in the pane,
then choose New, String Value,
type Window Title, and press .
Type what you want to see on IE’s title bar,
or type nothing to show only the site name.
Click OK.
Explorer toolbar Background Change
To change the toolbar background in Internet & Windows Explorer, open Regedit, and after backing up your registry, browse to this key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\
Create a new string value called “BackBitmap” and type in a path to a tiling bitmap,
such as c:\windows\cool.bmp. If this doesn’t work for you,
try using ‘double slashes’,
e.g c:\\windows\\cool.bmp instead.
Change regidtred Own & Org name
open regedit
and go to below mentioned path and change the value what you need
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
Customized Logon Screen Wallpaper
Manual Registry Edit:
You will need to modify the values for the following (at the least):
SCRNSAVE.EXE – Name of the .scr file with full path
ScreenSaveActive – Screensaver Timeout value
Wallpaper – Full path of the .BMP file
(Image Size 640×480 Pixels only. Should to want .BMP format)
In this registry key:
[HKEY_USERS\.Default\Control Panel\Desktop]
System Property Information
Optional items include the manufacturer and model, a small picture, and a button leading to a separate page of support information.
The information is not held in the registry, but in an old-style .INI file, which can be created in any plain-text editor including Windows Notepad.
This file can have two sections:
The first section, has a section header called [General], and within that section – two entries:
The second section, headed [Support Information], is optional, but if present adds a button with that label to the page. The entries after that heading should be in the form:
and so on. The limit on the number and length of lines seems limited only by the 64 KB general limit on .INI files.
The file should be saved in the %systemroot%\system folder (for Windows 98/ME computers) or in %systemroot%\system32 folder (for W2K/XP/2003 computers) as OEMINFO.INI.
The picture is a 256-colour-Windows bitmap (.BMP) file.
Microsoft states that the size should be 96 pixels square when using small fonts in Display Property settings, or 120 square with large fonts.
The file should be saved in the %systemroot%\system folder (for Windows 98/ME computers) or in %systemroot%\system32 folder (for W2K/XP/2003 computers) as OEMLOGO.BMP.
No other entry in the .INI file is required, but the latter must exist and have a populated [General] section for the bitmap to be visible in Display Properties.
No reboot is necessary in order for the hack to take place. Press the ÿ +BREAK keys and see for yourself.
For example, using this OEMINFO.INI file:
Manufacturer=M I F
[Support Information]
Line1=Visit my home page at
Line5=You can also contact me by using the following e-mail address:
Boot Logo Change
Yyou can get proper guide from belowm mentioned link
@ This way you can put your image only 16 colour.
Other same utility available “bootskin” “tuneup Xp utility”
Also same readymade exe available on this website.
Enable rename option in Recycle Bin
Just copy and paste in notepad & save as with “rename.reg” this name and import to registry you will got rename option in recycle bin.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00