Adding an Application 2 d Right Click on Every Folder
Open Regedit and go to below mentioned path.
Change the value 1 to 0 in “NoFolderOption” key
it will be enable your folder option
0 = enable Folder option
1 = disable Folder option
—————————————————–Making password disk in windows xp
If anyone who have a problem of forgetting password,
here i have a solution of this prob,for this u need a floppy disc
1st of all open control panel n the click on users accounts and choose the account
of which u want to make password diskn
click on a option given at right side of screen “prevent forgotten password” before
clicking it please insert floppy discs in the drive this will copy some important files
to prevent you by this problem,after a min it will finish the process,
and next time if u have forgotten the password u n access your account by this
password disk.
Make your Pdf files to speak
Here are the shortcuts for hearing Pdf files in
Abobe reader 6.0 or higher..
first activate read loud out……..
press shift+ctrl+y…….then press
Ctrl+Shift+B —->To hear the whole Topic.
Ctrl+Shift+V —->To hear the Page.
you can also check read out loud option is activated
or not from view option……
Making all files and folders open fast
Go to Start then Run
Type ‘Regedit’ then click ‘Ok’
Find “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\”
Select “MenuShowDelay”
Right click and select “Modify’
Reduce the number to around “100”
This is the delay time before a menu is opened.
You can set it to “0” but it can make
windows really hard to use as menus will open if
you just look at them –
well move your mouse over them anyway.
I tend to go for anywhere between
50-150 depending on my mood.
Adding Administrative Tools Icon To The Desktop:
Open Registry Editor. In Registry Editor,
navigate to the following registry key:
\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace .
Create the following key:
(just copy/paste, including the brackets). C
lose Registry Editor. There is no need to reboot.
Just wait a few seconds and see how the icon appears.
Making password disk in windows xp
If anyone who have a problem of forgetting password,
here i have a solution of this prob,for this u need a
floppy disc
1st of all open control panel n the click on users
accounts and choose the account of which u want
to make password diskn
click on a option given at right side of screen
“prevent forgotten password” before clicking it please
insert floppy discs in the drive this will copy some
important files to prevent you by this problem,
after a min it will finish the process,
and next time if u have forgotten the password u n
access your account by this
password disk.
Summary of IP Address Classes
- Class A – 0nnnnnnn hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh
- First bit 0; 7 network bits; 24 host bits
- Initial byte: 0 – 127
- 126 Class As exist (0 and 127 are reserved)
- 16,777,214 hosts on each Class A
- Class B – 10nnnnnn nnnnnnnn hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh
- First two bits 10; 14 network bits; 16 host bits
- Initial byte: 128 – 191
- 16,384 Class Bs exist
- 65,532 hosts on each Class B
- Class C – 110nnnnn nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn hhhhhhhh
- First three bits 110; 21 network bits; 8 host bits
- Initial byte: 192 – 223
- 2,097,152 Class Cs exist
- 254 hosts on each Class C
- Class D – 1110mmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm
- First four bits 1110; 28 multicast address bits
- Initial byte: 224 – 247
- Class Ds are multicast addresses
- Class E – 1111rrrr rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr
- First four bits 1111; 28 reserved address bits
- Initial byte: 248 – 255
- Reserved for experimental use
Hide/Unhide My Computer System Properties
Here is a way to Hide/Unhide System Properties.
1. Click on [Start] [Run] [Regedit]
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ Explorer
3. Modify/Create the Value Data Type(s) and Value Name(s) as detailed below.
Data Type: REG_DWORD [Dword Value]
Value Name: NoPropertiesMyComputer
Value Data: [“0” to Display Properties & “1” to Hide Properties]
4. Exit Registry and Reboot
Removing Shortcut arrow from desktop icons
If you would like to remove the shortcut arrows from your desktop icons, here’s how:
Warning: The following tip requires a registry edit. Mistakes made in the Windows registry can cause serious problems with your operating system. Be sure to make a backup copy of your registry prior to making any changes.
1. Go to Start>> Run. Type in: regedit [Enter] or click OK.
2. Drill down to the following registry key:
3. Delete the IsShortcut registry value.
Note: This may require a system restart.